Welcome Message

Hustle Girl Drea And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. Isaiah 45:3 KJV Come on in for all the latest tips on striving for internet success! We are all growing entrepreneurs here with a big dream to be a smashing success! I just can't do it without being true to the Lord who has been so true to me. So Come on in and let's get to hustlin now!!



Posted on : Wednesday, October 20, 2010 | By : Andrea.g.Williams | In : , ,

What's up yall?  One of the hardest things to do is have a dream and it's only you and you alone believing in it to happen.  It is one of the most lonely feelings ever.  I was just sitting here outside and the tears just streamed down my cheeks.  Don't get me wrong, I won't EVER GIVE UP, NEVER.  :))  And if it's up to me, I won't let you either!  It just gets hard sometimes and you feel weak, weary, or maybe crazy as some may think you are.

We will often run into roadblocks trying to achieve those dreams.  Everything in fact or in the natural eye may seem like you will never get there.  Not enough money, wrong timing, crazy inventions, not enough education, too old...I mean the list goes on and on-if you let it. :)  The hardest thing to do is encourage yourself when all of the odds are stacked against you.  But I know a GOD that can make the impossible....possible. :)

NO matter how it looks or even how you feel at times, keep moving, keep hustling, and most of all keep the faith.  Believe me, I truly have those days.  I'm having one today as a matter of fact.  I JUST KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW WHAT GOD PLACED ON THE INSIDE OF ME.  I know what GOD spoke on my heart.  I know the same reoccurring dreams and visions that I see that won't go away.  I'm getting used to and believing more and more of the gift that I have been blessed with.  By the way, WE ALL HAVE A GIFT.  That is GOD given.   It's what we can do that comes so natural that it's like second nature.  It's what we love and can do if we were not getting paid at all to do.  It is my prayer that GOD shows us the way to achieve those dreams and share with others to help them.  It is my prayer that you or me will Never give up no matter how things may look.  It is my prayer that we will make our legacy in this world, in our communities, and in our families.  It is my prayer for longevity in business. 
**Breaking NEWS** I got a phone call just now as I am writing this prayer for you and me.  It is about my business!  So, I'm praying everything works out, but just in case it doesn't, I am so thankful that the LORD shows me to keep at it, especially in times of wanting to give up.  HE always sends someone or a message to show you to keep going!  I am a living witness!!  KEEP THE FAITH YALL!  LOVE YALL...GOTTA GO! LOL  Here is an inspirational message for you loves...



Posted on : Monday, September 13, 2010 | By : Andrea.g.Williams | In : , , , , , ,

I realize that I run a huge risk talking about faith and the LORD here on this site.  After all it's a internet success tips type of site.  All things technical, right?  You just want to find out the latest tips on becoming successful on the internet so you can apply them and possibly be rich someday!  That's the plan, to gain all the knowledge and get rich-sometimes get rich quick.  Well, I am trying to get there right along with yall.  I'm growing as an entrepreneur and I wanted to share my progress and steps to help you achieve on the web also.  I can't help but tell you what's in my heart too-you can't achieve all of that without faith, prayer, and the LORD with you.   Let me turn back,  you can achieve it, but in order to have longevity and legacy like I'm climbing for, you can't.  No amount of money will bring you the precious gifts of Joy, Peace, and Favor among your clients and friends.  No amount of money will guarantee you love with a written contract to never default.  I'm not here to preach, that's for my other blog lol, but I just want to offer a blog of faith every now and again. :)  I will always be back with some tips and tricks that I have learned along the way.

How many of you know Laz Alonzo?

You remember he was in "Stomp The Yard" and recently "Avatar."  He beautiful to look at ain't he? lol  Well one day I was at home, and me and hubby was watching "One on One."  Lo and behold we see Laz Alonzo playing a part in the show in a barbershop scene!   He had a totally different hair style going on lol.  I thought Wow from "One on One" as someone who had only so many lines to "Miracle at St. Anna" and "Avatar."  That did something to my thoughts that day.  I couldn't help but keep pondering on that episode and him being in it.  I wondered did he ever want to quit like I have before.  I wondered did he ever struggle during that time financially like I am now.  I wondered did he ever think that maybe this acting thing ain't working like I think maybe this internet business thing ain't working for me.  I couldn't help but think what if he would have stopped?  We would have never got to see his beauty lol and talent grace the big screen.  He is mad talented though and smart-in this video he said that he worked on Wall Street before.  I wish I could talk to him and ask him.  I wish!

I just want to encourage you to NEVER EVER GIVE UP!! It's hard to break out into millions of visitors daily and getting rich online.  It is a PROCESS.  A process that takes marketing, and most of all as I have heard time and time before in my own research is CONTENT.  Whether you are selling items online or writing, or even singing, it takes time to get those visitors.  It takes time to get rich.  It can even take years as I'm sure it has for many of the rich and famous people we see today.  I don't know about yall, but I can tell you from experience that get as much knowledge as you can in your system concerning your niche.  Get as much info as you can on marketing online and offline and start moving on those steps.  It's all a process.  It may seem that it happens overnight for some, but I once heard Rocky Carroll say on the "Mo'Nique Show" once that "It may take 15 years for your overnight success." 

If that ain't the most beautiful quote I have heard to inspire you, I don't know what will.  What about scripture Faith without works is dead James 2:17.  Believe in your dream.  Believe in yourself.  Have the faith to keep working on it behind the scenes and have the faith to believe it will happen for you.  I was just listening to a message from Bishop Eddie Long where he quotes my favorite scripture (that is on my dream/planning book) Write the vision, and make it plain Habakkuk 2:2 KJV.   Keep pushing, keep marketing, keep working hard on your storefront or your blog and website.  Keep working hard!!  It's on the way!!  I have already noticed a spike in my own traffic.  It's still not where I want it to be, but I do see much progress. :)) I thank GOD for it too!  If you want to hear that message I was referring too, please see here...

Ok, back to the business plan...I will have a new blog up showing you a little known fact of getting some exposure!! Stay tuned!
My dream/planning book!



Posted on : Thursday, September 02, 2010 | By : Andrea.g.Williams | In : , , ,

I wrote this on my Myspace page and wanted to post it here to give you hope.  It's for whoever has a dream and is on the brink or already has given up hope in seeing it come to past.  I hope you enjoy.

Dear Dream,
Do you love me anymore?
Do you still want to be connected to me at all?
I don't know
Lately I have been feeling insecure
Over your absence
Over your lack
In coming true in the natural
Instead of in the clouds of my mind
They say the sky is the limit
But I promise today
I can't even get my feet off the ground
Show me a sign
That you are still with me
And I promise
That I will keep fighting for you
I need your help though
TODAY, right now
I just thought the LORD had told me
I won't need a job again
Just work hard
Keep the faith
And me and you will be united
That's what I hoped for
That's what I saw in my mind's eyeballs
That's what I cried for
That's what I lost so many nights
Of sleep for
To see you come true
My perfect dream
That I love
HELP!  I need you
I need you
There is only so much
Self-encouragement I can do
No one believes me
I'm failing to believe your real myself
Rescue me
Show me your real
Come true already
I don't wanna cry anymore
I see there is still no answer
As to when or if my dream will come true
All I can do

Is Never, Ever Give Up!
Copyright 2010 Andrea G. Williams

Much love dreamers.  Dream on, stay strong, and keep the hustle on! :)  Dreams can only come true with faith and never giving up along with some tears and some storms.  :) Just feeling a little weak in my spirit today (and yesterday) but I'm trusting GOD that my dreams will see the light of day GOD willing and GOD speed.  I love yall!

Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=77014318&blogId=538794032#ixzz0yOXuHbNx



Posted on : Monday, August 23, 2010 | By : Andrea.g.Williams | In :

I didn't even know this existed until maybe a month or two ago.  I'm excited for me and for you!! Did you know there is a way to have your own website, with successful items that are ready to sell, for your own profit??  No product or customer service that you, yourself don't have to provide?? :))

GoDaddy.com is who I use and they have a resellers program that you can generate comissions on!  There is a yearly fee, but it is quite minimal compared to what you get.  You get a live storefront selling their domains and other products.   But the best part about it is you get to use your own unique name/logo and purchase your own domain!  You drive the traffic to the site and you get the comissions!  They even have a chart on the website in how much you could earn by how many customers you have.  The really best part is--these are MONTHLY PAYING CUSTOMERS!  Did yall hear that!  I'm jumping on this one yall.  I can afford the $99 year annually plus my own domain through them-well, I can afford it soon. lol  I just wanted to share that with yall, just in case you wanted to jump on that kind of deal.  I will update you on my progress once I have it.  Let me know if you purchase this.  I want to see how your site looks!!! 

I have included the link with all the information needed to see if this is something you want to venture into.  Keep in mind that GoDaddy is who I use currently for my domain, but there are several domain sites that offer reseller programs.  Google it to see for yourself!  Here's the LINK!




Posted on : Tuesday, July 20, 2010 | By : Andrea.g.Williams | In : , ,

Man do I love youtube.com!  There is an abundance of knowledge on there for entreprenuers.  Some are fluff, but I have found more meat than fluff. lol  I particularly liked this video below and I wanted to share it with yall.  Pratical advice that I think will be very helpful to our blogs.  Let's check out this video now for "Getting over 850,000 Visitors Per Month to your Website."

Keep the faith and keep hustlin!



Posted on : Monday, July 05, 2010 | By : Andrea.g.Williams

Don't you know I love to get hustle ideas for my business and share them with yall!! Well, I do, so here it goes....Amazon has the most amazing tools to help you make money on the interenet.  I am currently signed up with Amazon Assoiciates.  They have it where you can add different widgets on your webpages to sell items via Amazon and your in turn will get a percentage of the sale, if someone purchases an item from the link on your site.  I love the fact that I don't have to deal with the shipping or customer support.  I'm just the messenger/affiliate.  :)  The thing is that I have brought several items off Amazon and had no problems with the shipment of my items or the prices.  So, I'm recommending a site that I actually use!!  It is great that my blog site host (Blogger) has a way I can add different links (with images) to sell things I place in my post!! LOVES it!

AUTHORS PAY ATTENTION!  You can also sell your ebooks or your novels on Amazon's Kindle!!  It's free from what I have read about the program so far!!  You will need an image cover, but you can also sell without the image.  Please go to Amazon.com and click on Publish on Amazon link on the left hand side.  No fears, I have posted the link here! 

Publish on Amazon Kindle!

LOVES This!! Can't you see now why it's important to keep getting your hustle on for your website?  I love the fact that most of this is free!  So, I will check yall later..Check out my other website Christian Envelope to see examples of Amazon widgets.


Love yall!



Posted on : Friday, July 02, 2010 | By : Andrea.g.Williams | In :

LOVE Yall!!



Posted on : Sunday, March 21, 2010 | By : Andrea.g.Williams | In :

I believe anything is possible through Christ who strengthens me!! (strengthens us!) :)) Check out the new video!!  I don't know about yall, but I want to blow up and I mean blow up into success everywhere!! :)